About Us

CKM Care is a compassionate and dedicated company that puts people first.

Who we are

Our company is built on strong values like compassion and integrity which are set at the heart of everything we do. People are at the heart of any successful business, therefore, CKM Care Ltd was started with two very clear objectives to provide:

  1. Premium home care
  2. Create a genuinely caring, supportive, and qualified care team.

    We believe and stand by the saying “People feel safer and better at home”. Thus, CKM staff will deliver person centred and high-quality care at all times , to enable our service users to remain in their own homes. All service users , no matter what their age, colour, or beliefs, deserve to have their needs met with understanding and compassion and feel cared for, loved and looked after. While all staff deserve on-going support and to be provided with comprehensive training. Ensuring they have all they need to continue being the very best carers in the country.

    We provide a full range of private and social care services throughout England and Wales. The company continues to grow year- on-year.

    Care that we would expect and wish for our own friends and relatives.

    Keen to create a business that would strive for the highest quality in the care industry

    Monitor, train and supervise our staff closely and effectively.

    CKM Care