Fun Activities

There are many activities available for service users and we would hate for you to miss out on any of them. Whether you like a cup of tea and a chat or something a bit more active there’s definitely something for you!  Some are free but the ones that aren’t won’t break the bank we promise.

Social Activity

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Social Activities
  • Lion Walk Activity Centre 31 Eld lane, Colchester, CO1 1LS Sue Vine 01206 282578

  • Indoor carpet bowls, Patchwork Pals, Art Group, Bridge Club Langham Community Centre, School Lane, Langham CO4 5PA 01206 271127  

  • Knit ‘n’ Natter Globe House, 6 George St, CO1 1TP 01206 368420  

Friendship Centre

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Friendship Centre
  • Friendship Group – RCCG Stillwaters Church on Brook Street 07795 306882 or 07949783830
  • Coffee morning, Activ8, First Friday Club Globe House, 6 George St., Colchester, CO1 1TP 01206 368420
  • Coffee morning, Afternoon Tea Stuart Pawsey Court Zone Warden 07990995366

Move it or Lose it

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Why take up a Social Activity?

You have the opportunity to make new friends

They will help reduce isolation and feeling lonely

It allows you to stay in touch with your local activities

And the best part is you can enjoy your hobbies and things you love doing in the company of like-minded people.

It is important to stay connected as social isolation and loneliness is very harmful and may cause damage to both the physical and mental health, reduce quality of life and even shorten life.

CKM Care